chiru jilla

Is Chiranjeevi's 150th Film The Remake Of 'Jilla'...?:

Ever since Chiranjeevi has joined politics that is, almost 6 years ago, there have been huge clamoring for his 150th film among the fans. Whenever he is called as a guest to a filmy event, fans have eagerly waited to hear an annoucnement from him on the stage and the Mega Star himslef has admitted that he always belonged to Films than politics.Of late, the chant has resurfaced back when Chiru was learnt to have spoken to his close associates that he would be making his 150th film soon after the elections 2014 are over. There are also news making rounds that he has seen the recent Tamil success 'Jilla' starring Mohan Lal and Vijay. Adding to the flavor is the rumor that Charan will play Vijay's role while Chiru will do Mohan Lal's and the film will be directed by VV Vinayak.Well, this could be one of those products of the rumor mills in T-Town or this could well turn out to be a reality. If it does, Mega Fans will pull up their socks once again to show their love for their star.

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